May 30, 2013

The joy of the day

Сегодняшний день был подслащен замечательным домашним десертом: желе, с кусочками ароматной свежайшей клубники! Сказать, что это вкусно- просто ничего не сказать!!!А готовится быстро и без проблем: нужно всего лишь выбрать несколько разных пакетиков( здесь у меня малина и абрикос), развести в горячей воде,и остудить, перемежая слоями разные вкусы - ВУАЛЯ!
Жаркое лето на пороге, так что идея замечательного прохладного десерта меня очень радует!

Приятного аппетита!

May 22, 2013

Little things to make you happy #2

 This time it can be a bunch of new nailpolishes in some interesting shades I wanted to try so badly! And a thing that is called a "gel strength" and should be used as a cover to save the beauty of your nails for a bit longer period, than usually!I hate the way that chipped nail polish looks like, so most of time I have to do a manicure every other day, and it really sucks! So this thing is gonna help me to save more time just for napping or hanging which would be just awesome! They promise it `s gonna be a week or even more, let`s see, huh?If it is true I am gonna be very happy girl!
For now, I tried only one shade of those I have bought, and I have to say that it is pretty colorful and easily worked with, for such a cheap nailpolish!
So, definitely , worth trying, guys!

May 14, 2013

Where would you go?

I can`t tell the right time when this obsession started, but now this is here, and I won`t deny it - I am obsessed with Norway! Have never been there, but spent countless hours watching the pictures of it, reading guidebooks and just DREAMING!
Dreaming of a summer to come and places to be travelled, people I just have to meet and opportunities to arrive...
And you guys, where would you go first?

May 12, 2013

Afternoon on the terrace

Spent the afternoon hanging out on the terrace with my best friend! Had lots of laughs and interesting conversations and gossips and on top of that a little shoot! 
And how did you spend the weekend?

May 9, 2013

Little things to make you happy

Ничего, ничего не поднимет Вам настроение так верно, как какая-либо вкусность, по себе знаю. Особенно, если Вы постились или просто какое-то время сидели на диете!
Я пыталась придерживаться диеты достаточно длительное время, поэтому шоколадный пасхальный заяц,  и сдобная ватрушка с вишнями в желе, и кусочек кулича - все это было воспринято мною как самые настоящие поводы для радости! 
Ведь это те самые мелочи, делающие нашу жизнь слаще!!!

May 5, 2013

All black everything

 Hi! What guys have you been up to?
These past days I have been clearing out my wardrobe, doing chores like this helps to calm down and, also, there are some really great findings, like this Miss Sixsty dress, bought and completely forgotten a few years ago, but still stylish and fashionable. (Yesterday, going through some on-line shops, I saw A LOT of dresses that look A LOT like this one).
In my mind, I instantly matched it with my fav leather jacket and these Clarks booties, and look what this outfit turned out!!!
YES or NO?  Can this oooold dress be welcomed for a season to come?

 Dress - Miss Sixsty
Booties - Clarks
Jacket - unknown turkish label
Acsessories - Aldo; vintage

May 2, 2013

First of May

 I do love Bithdays. And my favourite are my Mom`s!
This may also be so becouse when I was a kid I always got presents for HERS Birthdays)) I can remenber myself asking my Grandma "What did you get for me for Mom`s Bithday?")))Can you imagine that?)))
But when I grew older I understood how great is it to get something beautyful for your loved ones, it is WAY more cooler than getting presents self!
Are you agree with me?

  The cake was nice. A little too heavy for me, but nice!
And I understand that this does not completely goes with this post, but I could not leave out the colour of my nails, which I am completely in love with now...Coral!